Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Rewrite and quiz reminder

Rewrites for those who finished their papers:  due on Friday!  As I said in class, I'd love to give you longer, but my grades are due very soon and I need to regrade them...that takes time.  :)  Friday will have to be the last day.

Also, remember the quiz on Thursday.  TSB Chapters 4-6 are fair game.  Pay close attention to the class notes, your HW, and this blog site.  Up on this blog, maybe there will be a way to get some extra credit points???


  1. Hi Mr. D.,
    How are you? I have strep. I have a lot of work to catch up on. Is there a quiz tomorrow? If I come in will I need to take it? Is this how I get extra credit?

  2. Hey Jeremy. No quiz this week as the calendar shows, so no worries. You don't have super much to catch up on...just a few chapters. I have the questions posted up for you and have some sample answers posted, too. Hope you feel better. Strep is a major bummer.

    Oh, and the extra credit was for last week's quiz. :)
