Monday, February 8, 2010

Chapter 14 Review

     We see that six months have passed since Chapter 13.  Mikaelsen does this to skip ahead to "better" reading...things that we want to know about.  He supposes that we don't want to hear too much about his stay at the hospital! :)
     The chapter begins and we see that Cole's dad is being charged with child abuse.  We'll have to see if he is found guilty.  What is even more surprising is that this happened because Cole's mom stood up for him!  In the chapter, Cole and his mom share a very touching hug.  Cole, unlike the old Cole, doesn't push away!  Instead, he hugs her back.  What a change!
     Garvey isn't so sure that Cole will get a second chance with Circle Justice and tells him to prepare for going to jail.  We also learn from Cole's mom that his dad was beaten as a child.  Sometimes, children can learn very bad things from their parents.  The reader begins to feel sorry for Cole's dad.  The chapter ends with Edwin arriving at the meeting and the Keeper asking Cole to defend himself and why he should be given a second chance.


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