I wanted to answer one of the questions for TSB. The question was "in your opinion, how does Cole change from the beginning of the book to the end?". I think Cole was very angry at the beginning of the story. Cole decided to rob a hardware store and then he beat up Peter. After he joined circle justice and went to the island, he became less angry and started to focus on the good things in life. One example was the "stick lesson". There was a right side and a left side. The right side was his happiness and the left side was his anger. There is always going to be anger, but if you focus on the right side of the stick, your anger might slowly fade away. Towards the end of the book, Cole started to become more caring and forgiving. He was trying to help and care for Peter. Cole showed Peter all of the things that helped him, for example, he carried the ancestor rock. He also became much closer to his mom.
Stephanie N. 
:) ;0 :+) <3
Excellent work Stephanie. That's an excellent explanation of not only how he changed throughout the book, but also what the lesson of the stick means. Very well done! See you Monday!