Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Revising for Caesura and Onomatopoeia

We looked through our songs today and modified for caesura and onomatopoeia.

Caesura is a break or pause in the song, usually at the end of a line.  Use a comma for a short pause and use a period for a longer stop or pause.  If you want the song to continue from line to line, don't use a comma or a period.  Make sure you've gone through all your songs and you fix these pauses.

Onomatopoeia is a word that imitates the sound of the word it defines.  For example, woof, bark, bam, pow, screech, crash, woosh, and ding.  Make sure you have at least two examples of these in your songs.  If not, make sure to change the lyrics to fit at least two examples in.

Good luck!

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