Thursday, March 31, 2011

Red Midnight, Chapters 7-8 Summary by the Wonderful Callie I.

Chapter 7, "The Home of Uncle Ramos"
Santiago and Angelina get to Uncle Ramos’ home and they meet Enrique and Silvia. Enrique and Silvia are the people who take care of Ramos’ land when he is not around. Enrique walks in to Ramos’ house and scares Santiago. Santiago soon learns that Enrique will help them. He gives them food, shelter, and words of advice. He also sails with them to get past the military boat though he does not tell Santiago this at first because he thinks there is a lot on his mind about this difficult journey already.
      Chapter 8, "My Little Squirrel"
Santiago, Angelina, and Enrique start the journey. Santiago starts the journey with tortillas, fruit, water, and candy supplied by Enrique and Silvia. As the three start this journey to the United States of America, Santiago learns everything from how to raise the sail to where you can or can not go on the ocean. In class we agreed that when Enrique leaves, Santiago will be on his own with Angelina and that he is very brave for doing this.
These chapter summaries were brought to you by the brilliant mind of Callie I. :) :) :)

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