Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Analyzing a topic with a slant/angle

Let's face it:  sometimes what's reported as the truth isn't always the truth.  Sometimes there are different sides to a story, right?  Well, when a writer tackles a topic with a slant or angle, he or she is trying to tell a different side.  In other words, you're looking at a topic in a fresh, unique way.

Here's my example from class:

Topic:  Time Management

Angle:  A little work here and there makes things better.

Managing your time in sixth grade doesn't have to be difficult.  Some people actually get stressed out because of work, but they aren't doing one thing right:  dividing up their time properly.  Yes, the more you procrastinate, the more work that you have to do later.  Instead, you should...

Another example might be the angle of "Studying is best when done with a friend."  This is a unique topic and is different than your average, ordinary paragraph about studying.

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